
Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Research Project - Update

Okay, I have'nt updated my research project in about 3 weeks. I've been really busy with filming my client project. As well as this, I have contacted so many different film companies/organisation in Nottingham for my next artifact and haven't had success. My idea for this artifact was to interview an industry expert and get their view about online piracy. See how they are dealing with it and what measures they have in place etc. Two people I had in mind were Shane Meadows or Chris Cooke (Yes, i may be getting my hopes a bit too high). But the idea I want to put across a more personal approach, hence having a director based in Nottingham and see how they cope with piracy with their work. This will also help me as a practitioner to learn how this could affect me in the near future and ways it can be prevented. I will continue to look for someone and hopefully I will soon!

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